Temptation Of St Thomas Aquinas111

The Institute of Spirituality at the Angelicum and the Aquinas Center Present:

What Would Aquinas Do? The Crises of Our Age and the 800th Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Aquinas

January 30- February 1, 2025

Ave Maria, FL

In celebration of the 800th anniversary of the birth of St. Thomas Aquinas, this conference seeks to recover and renew Thomistic theological and philosophical reflection in response to the intellectual, spiritual, religious, political, moral, and cultural crises of our day.  The organizers of this conference were profoundly inspired by two great Catholic intellectuals of the second half of the twentieth century—Alasdair MacIntyre and Fr. Servais Pinckaers, O.P.—as these men recovered Thomistic philosophy and theology as a compelling alternative to voluntarist, nominalist, rationalist, and emotivist traditions.  Midway through the first half of the twenty-first century, the time is ripe to continue to hand on the living tradition of Thomism to respond to challenges old and new.  What would Aquinas do were he present today to face contemporary confusions, ideologies, fears, and angers?  Thankfully, he is present interceding for us in the communion of saints and continues to teach us through his countless students across each generation.   


The Aquinas Center for Theological Renewal at Ave Maria University and the Institute of Spirituality at the Angelicum invite papers for their co-sponsored conference on “What Would Aquinas Do? The Crises of the Our Age and the 800th Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Aquinas.” Papers are encouraged to draw upon Saint Thomas for theological, philosophical, spiritual, pastoral, and evangelical engagements with contemporary culture. Abstracts should be 150-300 words in length, and are due by October 1, 2024. Notification of acceptance will be issued by November 1, 2024. Please send abstracts and CVs to [email protected]



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